Pilgrimage guardian five to the trustee that we carry out this is a pilgrimage guardian five to the
trustee who has been to so many time we made.Alhamdulillah, there are
many many students and mothers who stay motivated to follow these
events even though they have repeatedly followed the pilgrimage to the
mayor gathered limo.We are in
Parimono, Jombang at 6.00 wib.After from Parimono village, direct bus to the
village Brangkal, Bandar Kedung Mulyo to pick me up and students from
Gus Rofiq Rifa'i. Kyai who led our party is Gus Rofiq Rifa'i. He was
the son of KH Rifa'i Marzuqi al-Murshid (deceased).
heading to Surabaya, on the bus all the congregation made a pilgrimage
intentions guardian limo, because the intention that all the
congregation could perform their prayers jama 'qoshor.Because legal
requirement that intention into his prayers jama' next qoshor.The program
during bus headed
towards Surabaya fill in the dhikr, istighotsah, read sholawat prophet,
Manaqib and cover with Mauidzoh Khasanahand tahlil too.Dont' forget kenek
driver and his father introduced himself to the congregation on the bus.
arrived at the tomb of Sunan Ampel region at 10.00 wib.We take water for wudlu
directly take water and headed straight grave.After completed at the
tomb of Sunan Ampel munajated,